Skylee’s Cake Smash Session

butterfly purple cake smash session

I cannot believe it has been three months already since Skylee’s last Watch Me Grow session!

I was excited to set up this session as it was something challenging to me. As some of you know, I am not a fan of purple, at all! So every time I get a request for purple set up, I need to run the set up through my trusted friends to check that it looks good or if something else should be added or taken away to make it perfect. This one I did all by myself and I was so proud of it. To see Skylee’s mommy tear up when I showed her the set up was the icing on the cake for me. I was so so happy!

Skylee herself wasn’t sure she wanted anything to do with getting dirty or touching the icing.

We tried to trick her with some snacks being stuck in the cake but when she wasn’t falling for it when by any chance they had too much icing on it.


Cambridge, Ely, Lakenheath Newborn, Baby and Cake Smash Photographer