Abigail’s Home Birth | Lakenheath Newborn Photographer


What a Birth… One to remember for me… nor only because I was so looking forward to working with Abigail (the owner and founder of Great Expectations Maternity) and her family. We discussed the process during the pre consultation when I visited Abigail’s home. I was so excited to include all family members in the birth (including the fur baby ;)). Well… This birth will always stay with me as my first…. missed birth :( I wanted to cry when I walked into the house and heard the baby cry. Baby Girl was born just less than 5minutes earlier. Not only that but it was on the first day on call period too… Abigail messaged me around around 11:30pm and said she thought things started to progress but it was just to keep me posted and not to leave the house yet, that she was going to call me when things got a little more serious. At the end of the day she was in labor for a long time with her first baby. I still decided to make sure my bags were packed and ready to go, I set clothes aside to make sure I didn’t waste any time when I actually got the call. I went to shower and by the time I was done, the phone rang…. It was Abigail’s husband calling to say things were progressing faster than expected. I could hear Abigail in the background and knew to leave ASAP! So I did. The roads were empty so I made it to their house in less time than expected BUT… still not fast enough! I was devastated. I couldn’t believe it was happening… Abigail’s doula turned up about 15 minutes later and saw my face as she walked into the house and she knew that she missed it. This was one of the fastest births! I cannot wait to photograph this little bundle in just a few short days during her newborn session.


Lakenheath Newborn Photographer