Our trip to the States – Okinawa Newborn Photographer

I feel like I have missed out on so much going on here on Okinawa over the past 5 weeks. I went to the States with my family for a month long business and pleasure trip all combined into one :) We got to meet with some amazing friends who we have known since England, we attended good friend’s wedding in Florida. Took Brandon to Disney and then drove up to Connecticut to stay with family. It was a really good but exhausting trip. We got back home just in time for Brandon’s last day at school before the holidays and last minute preparations for Christmas. Really busy yet rewarding time.

New York City Trip by Simply Ania - Okinawa Newborn Photographer

Our trip to New York City.

We decided to take a day trip to New York City to just walk around and see the famous…. Rockefeller Plaza Christmas Tree!!! It was stunning!

Rockefeller Plaza Tree by Simply Ania- Okinawa Newborn Photographer

The Beautiful 2014 Rockefeller Plaza Christmas Tree in New York City. One of the things on my must-see-things-list and I am so happy to tick it off this year.

As fun it was to be back in America and see everyone (it has been four years since we last went to visit), it was a pleasure to just stay at home in pjs, just the three of us, enjoying Christmas gifts and some TV.

2015 christmas in Oki

2015 christmas in Oki

Nowhere better than HOME :)