McKay Preview | Simply Ania – Okinawa Maternity Photographer

As I mentioned, I spent my Sunday between the L&D and home for a couple of hours. I had McKay’s session scheduled in for a while but we had to reschedule due to work commitments and turned out that Baby Liam decided to make an appearance two weeks before his due date. So after what turned out to be a false alarm in the middle of the night, I decided to call McKay in the morning (as I was on my way home from the hospital) to try to move the session we had scheduled for 4:40pm to much earlier just in case I had to go back to the hospital later that day (which I am great I did as I got the call at 4:15 to head back to the L&D). The weather cooperated and we had a wonderful overcast day. We started shooting at the Gala area and then moved to this little spot I drive pass every single day… The ivy covered wall just on the side of the road  :) I love how the photos turned out. I will share as many as I can as soon as we complete the order  :)

Mckay - simply ania - okinawa maternity photographer